Our Partners Have Made a Huge Difference for Canadian Kids.
Our partners are businesses and organizations who are committed to helping kids thrive. Thanks to their support, we’ve created remarkable change together. With the support of our partners, our children’s hospitals are advancing research, improving delivery models, and enhancing equipment and facilities to better support children and their families that need them. As hospitals make these extraordinary efforts, our partners were by their side.

We’re Grateful for our Member Children’s Hospital Foundations.
Fighting childhood illness and disease isn’t easy. That’s why we raise funds and awareness for 13 of Canada’s children’s hospitals — where the biggest battles are being fought every day. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of our foundations, we’re creating greater impact with the success of our campaigns and spreading the stories from local children’s hospitals to inspire millions across the country to give. Together, we’ve helped kids and their families through another year.

Our Champions Inspired Us All Year Long.
Happy holidays to all our Champions! We appreciate you, and all the hard work you have put into the past 2 years helping kids across Canada. This year, you have brought so much joy and have been an inspiration to children and families across Canada. With the help of your stories, we have been able to continue our journey to change the health of children and the health of Canada. We have been proud to watch you represent your community and raise awareness for your local hospital foundation.

Here’s To Another Incredible Year!
As we head into 2022, our continued focus is all about transforming kids’ lives from coast-to-coast by making amazing healthcare and advancements possible – within children’s hospitals and beyond – through vital corporate partners and a national network of hospital foundations.
Our mission stays the same – if we change the health of children, we will change the health of Canada.