$103+ Million
total raised
year joined
2022 total
committed to community investment by 2030

Invested in kids’ health — for today and tomorrow
TD has been committed to enriching the lives of customers, colleagues and communities. This includes an investment in the health of children and adolescents across Canada.
In 2020, CCHF and TD jointly announced a new, multi-year impact partnership under TD Ready Commitment – TD’s corporate citizenship platform.

$15 million committed to improve adolescent health
TD has pledged $15 million over 10 years to Canada’s Children’s Hospital Foundations to improve adolescent health. This commitment is meant to help adolescents have greater and more timely access to the care they need – no matter where they are in the country.
As part of TD’s corporate philanthropic gift of $15M over 10 years, TD will have specialized annual grants given to one specific children’s hospital foundation every year.
For year one of this partnership, SickKids Foundation is the initial beneficiary of TD’s specialized annual grant with funds being directed to a youth-friendly health hub on the hospital’s dedicated health resource – AboutKidsHealth.ca

Why adolescent health?
While there are unique health issues faced by adolescents, this phase of development is also one of hope. Recent research from the Accessing Centre for Expertise (ACE) at the University of Toronto* describes adolescence as a dynamic period which has a significant impact on a person’s lifelong health and development. Interventions during adolescence have the potential to profoundly impact health and developmental trajectories, creating a healthier Canada over the long term.
There are six pressing priorities for youth in Canada.

- It is estimated that 10-20% of children and adolescents struggle with mental health challenges.
- Suicide is the leading cause of death in 10 to 14-year olds.

- Approximately 30% of youth are overweight or obese, putting them at greater risk for chronic diseases and health conditions such as asthma, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
- Serious eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, often start in adolescence.

- All youth need support in negotiating safe, consensual, and healthy sexual practices.
- LGBTQ2S+ youth experience difficulty accessing relevant sexual health education, as it is predominantly focused on heterosexual relationships and reproduction and does not address gender diversity and same-sex attraction.

- Youth that struggle with gender identity are at increased risk for poor health outcomes.
- Transgender youth are at 5 times greater risk of suicidal thoughts than their peers; almost two thirds of transgender youth have seriously considered suicide.

- At least 15% of young people have a chronic condition that impacts on their health and places restrictions on their lives.
- Health outcomes for young people with long-term chronic conditions are worse during the transition between child and adult health care.

- Youth face multiple barriers in accessing effective mental health services, and that 60% of youth ages 16 to 25 disengage from services during this transitional period.
- Obstacles make communication and collaboration difficult at the interface of paediatric and adult services, including separate funding and governance structures, legal, logistic, and clinical differences, and time and resource constraints.
The research also concluded that racialized, LGBTQ2S+ and low-income youth experience pronounced health issues, confirming what Canada’s children’s hospitals see on the ground. These health inequities are also being further exacerbated by a multitude of factors due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
For more detailed information on the six priorities, click here. To access the full whitepaper please visit – Coming of Age: Opportunities for Investing in Adolescent Health in Canada.*
*Created in partnership with TD, Canada’s Children’s Hospital Foundations and subject matter experts from SickKids.

Opening doors for children and adolescents in Canada
TD has a long-standing history of supporting Canada’s Children’s Hospital Foundations (CCHF) through Children’s Miracle Network (CMN), a signature program within CCHF. The organization has raised more than $95 million.
Their cumulative contribution to date, supports revolutionizing treatment and care through research, creating healing environments, and delivering the right care at the right place at the right time.
TD employees continues to be engaged in supporting improved adolescent health outcomes
TD plans to engage its employees across Canada in activities in support of adolescent health, and CCHF is grateful to the thousands of TD customers contributing monthly gifts toward children’s hospitals in their communities.

Ready to take action?
About TD Global Corporate Citizenship
TD has a long-standing commitment to enriching the lives of its customers, colleagues and communities. As part of its corporate citizenship platform, the TD Ready Commitment, TD is targeting CDN $1 billion (US $775 million) in total by 2030 towards community giving in four areas critical to opening doors for a more inclusive and sustainable tomorrow – Financial Security, Vibrant Planet, Connected Communities and Better Health. Through the TD Ready Commitment, TD aspires to link its business, philanthropy and human capital to help people feel more confident – not just about their finances, but also in their ability to achieve their personal goals in a changing world. For further information, visit td.com/thereadycommitment.